The Culture and art can not belong to that or the other district, one or another side of the mountains and rivers, separating united folk. The Authentic culture, present art can not belong to even other folk, be he big or small, ancient or young since spiritual property belongs to all and each, who touches with them, who perceives their heart and soul. However, it is necessary to notice that national culture and art has their own place and time of the birth, borders of the spreading. But they whomever, even so, belongs to.
There is its culture - spiritual and material - and beside lezgin of folk, there is beside it and its art. Each generation on length of the ages put into this treasury its prattle, sparks of the talent, skill, inspirations, adding her new coloring, adding fresh paints, putting deep sense, improving forms.
Did Not remain in side from the total deal and representatives Suleyman-Staliskogo district. In all region of the culture and art they have manifested themselves as persisting talents, crackjack. About this witness the facts, history, archeological discoveries. So, on territory, which presently oc-cupies Suleyman-Staliskiy district, is discovered large number monument copper-stone age (Ka-sumhyur, Nyucyug, Mamrash). The Remainder of the ceramics, debris flint inset, splinter stone close enelit Zakavkaziya. The Culture of the epoch early ferric (VII-IV vv. before n.e.) present the material of the settling, grave and burial mound in valley s. Gereyhanovskoe. These discoveries wit-ness that beside local population broadly were different products from ferric (the knives, awl). The bronze Embellishment differed the high artistic skill.
In epoch of the early muddle ages (V - X vv.) lezgins, our forfather, already master the produc-tion ceramic product by means of potter's wheel. Painted lezgin ceramics also has an ancient history. In XII-XIV age in ancient lezgin village of the Excrement (not far from s. Ispik Suleyman-Staliskogo district) existed the developed ceramic production of the turquoise painted ceramics. Their products were amongst the other folk Dagestana. Kalinskie plates, tureens, greater guard;keep from red clay, water- carrying pitchers in mountain villages Kubachi at present, Kudali. The Sam-ple of the turquoise ceramics ed in many other aul Dagestana, including destroyed as a result of wars. Already in the muddle ages turquoise ceramics production in s. Excrement carried the nature of the developed craft.
In 18 ages ceramic production in South Dagestane, in particular in Suleyman-Staliskom dis-trict, enlarged and extended to villages Ispik, Fat, Gezer Kurinsriy neighborhood. Inimitable unique primary on its artistic peculiar, pitchers, plates, cups, products watering ceramicses, decorated ango-bic painting and pattern, spread on the world and hitherto decorate home and public museum. Whimsical were a sculptured reliefs, expressing in the manner of horses, mule, birds, fish, two-headed eagles , home and wildlifes and beasts, as well as people. Relief decor on Ispik to dishes strikes concreteness and differs from the other Dagestan .
Lezginskiy ispik ceramic in XIII-XIV vv. reaches its bloom. The Products Ispik master - a pitchers, guard;keep, tureens, plates and others were in due course broadly known on East Caucasus and for its limit. The Known was in district SHe-reef Aydemir (with.Saliyan) - a master of the pot-ter's deal.
One of the important ancient trade lezgin is a gun deal since the whole history lezgin folk is connected with rebuff invader. The Archeological discoveries wait that technology of the processing the metal known lezgin with antiquities.
The Gun deal gave the push artistic and jewelry production, associate with decorating of the weapon by silver under rabble, ivory, golden inlay. Had a broad goods output and attracted a follow-ing long after limit Dagestana and Kavkaz lezgin carpet deal, as well as needlework golden and silver. Lezginskie carpet were yore glorified by beautiful motley registration, original, rich lump-position that was indicative of big artistic skill carpeters . The Persisting arts, drawing thread, invest-ing in their own drawings poetical thinking and fine art pictures.
In village of the district then developed and art carpets . Presence source mate-риала for recep-tion itch and natural dye staffs (the madder), as well as row others circumstances have conditioned that in many populated points carpet making became one of the main if not the main, occupation of the feminine part of population. Carpets of lezgin makers has gained the worldwide glory. Original-ity differed the carpets of the product Orta-Staliskoy carpet factory. In many village preference re-turned blacksmith's, gun deal. The Master processed the metals, minerals, created the splendid prod-ucts from ferric, honeys, silver, gild, glass.
SULEYMAN-Staliskiy district has presented the Country of the mountains safe pleiades fig-ures art. The First of them we shall name Gotfrida (Dzhabraila) Gasanova - a founder Dagestan of the professional music.
The Enormous contribution G.GASANOVA in formation of the music culture avar, kumyk, lakzy and other folk Dagestana. The First music-artistic expedition on gathering of the public music, headed by G.GASANOVYM, left from Buynakska on route Arakany-Kudutl-Gergebil-Mogoh-Hunzah-Choh-Sogratl and has collected the interest-whine material: 120 poetical texts and 100 pub-lic tunes, recorded on background-graphic platens.
"Trip with phonograph had itself nature of the utter triumph, - wrote Gasanov in report about expeditions. The Inhabitants of the villages full filled the premiseses, in mounted-swarm were pro-duced record, in turn been accompanied undeterminable of the pleasure and amazing. In Mogohe we have got absolutely sincere lump to Soviet authorities, interesting creative activity peasantry".
"Result to expeditions was also study G.GASANOVA "Canto avar", finished in 1927.". Pre-senting itself on the form report about trip, it, inherently, has the total an acquaintance with music avar in 1921-1927 gg. and the scientific bases of the study of the music culture avar.
The Publication G.GASANOVA has got the high estimation: reading as report on thread to ethnographic section of the State Institute of the Music science in Moscow at August 1927, she has brought the author a confession to scientific public. He was assigned degree of the associate member of the HYMN. In "Canto avar" G.GASANOV has pawned the bases of the methods of the scientific study public creative activity and has vastly enriched the avar music folklore a putting into it ele-ment lezgin-Dagestan tune.
The collection "Motives Dagestan dance was typed In the same year: 12 lezgins , performed instruments ", formed by G.GASANOV, M. Dzhamalov. This is a first publishing lezgin- Dagestan tune, as well as the first and to date single collection of the public dance instrumental music. "We consider that published twelve dance motives are an unchallengeable music wealth, requiring regis-ter in order to avoid disappearances, more so that some of them already are not played completely" - wrote the compilers in introduction to collection.
He has prepared such prominent musician, as Sergey Agababov, Seyfullah Kerimov, Murad Kazhlaev, SHirvani Mooring line and others. Gotfrid Gasanov has opened in 1926 in Mahachkale music technical school (now school, it carries the name of the great composer), created one of first amongst autonomous republics USSR Alliance composer Dagestan, several years managed the State dance ensemble "Lezginka". Gasanov is written baby ballet "Karachach", opera "Hochbar", deliv-ered on scene of the Republican theatre of the opera and ballet in 1997, canto for plays "Aygazi", "Love Asiyat" and others concerto for pianoforte with orchestra is often performed music group to Russia and foreign countries. The Creative activity G.GASANOV is high evaluated by Government USSR. He was twice awarded ranks to laureate State bonus, had a honourable ranks of the well-earned figure art RSFSR and DASSR.
On way, laid by Gotfrid Gasanov, certain will go and native sowed;sown Ullugatag Seyfullah Kerimov. Got firsts music ordens in Mahachka music school, he has entered in Odesskaya conser-vatory. Afterwards whole remained life he has denoted the art of the Country of the mountains. Seven years worked in State ensemble canto and dance Dagestana and in "Lezginke". More than 16 years occupied the job titles of the music editor, artistic leader and director of the orchestra Dagtel-eradio, temporarily taught and in music school, created the music. In 1960 its have received a visit at members of the Alliance composer USSR. Since 1963 Kerimov managed music college . He was a vice-chairman of the rule of the Alliance composer of Dagestan.
Kerimov wrote much songs on lezgin, avar, dargin, kumuk, lakskiy language. Its canto "Dag'ustan", "H'san ya gada", "Pood rush", "Durnadiz", "Yar shirin ya zaz’’ in performance of the great singer Ragimat Gadzhieva become folk-ными. Its prattle contribute;cause he and in making the national shows. For greater заслуги in development of the music culture, in preparing the na-tional music personnel, musicologist, teacher, composer Seyfullah Kerimov is assigned honourable rank of the public actor DASSR, well-earned figure art RSFSR, he became the laureate Republican bonus im. Gamzat Cadasy. Presently, his deal continues the son - Alaudin Kerimov, the known mu-sician in republic, singer and composer.
The Bright representative of the theatrics of the republic is a pet-images, pride of the district and Darkush, big talent and present person Abdulkadir Saydumov. The Graduate GITIS, he in their own creative finding has enriched the arsenal of the expressive facilities of the comedy genre by psychological contents, has drawn apart the kind of role, on essences, has enriched comedy vitality and natural , simplicity and organic . Particularly multicolored talent Saydumova was shown in play lezgin playwright and in "Funduhbeke" particularly. In played role actor has shown the life of the human spirit, rather then bodies, deepenning this dramatic material. Follows, also, note the master possession by actor by art of the word. its speech on scene forgive;pardon and natural, rich intona-tion . At present Lezginskiy state music dramatic theatre im. Suleymana Staliskogo it is impossible present without actor Abdulkadir Saydumov. They are created splendid images on scene, is played more than one hundred roles. The Public actor Dagestan, well-earned actor to Russian Federation Abdulkadir Saydumov (in folk its name Fundug'begom) not only served folk, but also was shown having come young actor.
It is Necessary to note that representatives Suleyman-Staliskiy district seminal slave-melt in Lezginskom . The Pet of the spectators were and are well-earned-ные actors republics Halisat Burz-halieva, Agahan Agahanov, Mehti Dzhamaldinov, SHih Zakariyaev, Ibramhalil Ramazanov, stage manager Mirzabeg Mirzabegov, its trace in stake have left Saimat Muslimova, Tamara Israfilova.
The Successes Lezginskogo theatre of the last years involve with name ofEsedullah Navruzbe-kov. Having Become by artistic leader, he, multiplying accumulated during years experience, has done the a great deal for creative growing actor, high professional , actual shows. Under its man-agement theatre have got get prettier estimation of the spectators, specialist, ministry of culture of the republic. For merit rank of the public actor Dagestan was assigned in the field of theatrics Navruzbekov, its shows occupied the first places on republican creative contest. E.NAVRUZBEKOV - an author 10 plays, 3 books: "SHarvili", "Theatre born in mountain", "Lezginskiy theatre".
The Other representative of the district, big talent Rasim Dzhabrailov is an actor of the theatre and cinema (the theatre on Taganke in Moscow).
Greater popularity outside the republics, country have got the Kasumkent drammer . Their ap-pearances applauded the spectators of the many countries, republics and regions. The Creator of the group was a talented amateur of the public music Ifrat Kasumov - a well-earned workman of the cul-ture to Russian Federation (RSFSR), he long years worked the managing division of the culture Suleyman-Staliskogo region head and director cinema making. On his initiative and ensemble drummer was organized under direct participation, which was glorified in district not only, republic, but also for her its limit.
Since 1959 Kasumkent drummers emerge before spectator and multiply the successes national art. The Success drummer is connected with names musician A.GADZHIAHMEDOVA, SH.MEYLANOVA, Zubaira Kurkentskogo, G.GADZHIMISRIEVA, T.TAIBOVA, Z.YUNUSOVA, A.GADZHIMURADOVA, U.GADZHIMURADOVA, V.MUSAEVA, I.SHIHZAGIROVA, SH.SHIHNABIEVA, S.HIDIROVA, SH.RAMAZANOVA, K.KAMILOVA, S.RIZAEVA and others Amongst master public sing creative activity brightly stood out ZHamal SHahmardahov, Tamara Israfilova, Kerim Kamilov, Beshalum and Selimat Gadzhievy, Imanulah Smoked, Fatima Ramazanova, Fikret Ahmedov, Lobster Melikov. They sing the canto, is created amateur composer district, - Mainoy Abdulmutalibovoy, Dzhamaldi-ном Mehtievym.
Enormous popularity in village South Dagestana have gained the musicians - garmonist Ya-mudin Shihzhamalov, Seyfudin Shihzhamalov, Nurdin Israfilov, guitarer Virzant Magomedov.
At present in district ensemble vocal instrumental ensembles. Special popularity are VIA "Be-nevsha", "Kasumkent", "Mires"
"Richal", "Leysan", "Grant-bet", "Chirag", "Ruhun", "Duiniya", "Maestro",
The land of singers and poets is by rich talent people. Follows to note the tightrope walker from s. Ruhun, acrobat, athlete (Bedevov Sultan, Kaziahmed, Magomedov Mugudin, (Sital Buba) Gadjimuradov, Buba and others.).
In 1980-h year ensembles are created of public instrument, drummers, harmony players , bala-laika players, folklore group, which rewarded All-union festival Diplomas first degree, decorateded with an Honourable order of ministry of culture USSR and DASSR. They performed on the scene of the Moscow, Sochi, Rostov, Baku.
Early gone from life artist Zhavid Sadyki, member of the Alliance artist to Russia, was consid-ered by the present master of the cyst. His linens have got the high estimation specialist , pictures Sadyki were exposed on international exhibition in many country.
Here is already 50 years Adzhabat Idrisova works the main by keeper in мuseum of arts of Mahachkala. The Passionate propagandist of decorative-applied art of Dagestan, she organized the exhibitions in all union republic, group of ten city former USSR, as well as in Bulgaria, Hungaries, Czechoslovakias, GDR, Yugoslaviya,Finland, England, Italies, Kuveyte, Japan. And everywhere with delight took the artistic creative activity of people of Country of the mountains, noting also re-markable organize abilities of Adzhabat Idrisovoy. The excellent workwoman of ministry of culture USSR, deserved workwoman of the culture RD, and today she serves the art Dagestana.
With development of the national culture and architectures is bound activity honoured archi-tect RF, academician Kerimov Kerim.
People do not die while give birth the poets, scientist, musician, master, agronomist - they will live before completion of the world. Such as and people of Etim Emin, Suleyman Staliskiy.